The first problem I notice with sysvinit is that it is not a (single)
initialization system.

Or, that may be the only problem, other than that it is  a feature rather
than a problem to those who understand the issues involved, whereas it is
perceived as a problem by those who expect a system.

Attempting to unpack that a little, I do remember a time when I was looking
for some centralized way to control what was being started when, and being
a little stressed out to discover I would have to learn sh for real if I
wanted to play with what boots up when. And then I would have to  read and
understand the programs  -- scripts -- being used to get everything started.

And one of the distressing elements it all was the ad-hoc nature of the
collection of init scripts. The only thing systematic about any of it was
the loose framework of runlevels and the method of controlling boot order
by tagging a script's filename with a priority number and then trusted the
collating  order. Which felt a lot like line numbers in  basic programs,
plus some extra chances for confusing oneself.

It took me several years (and playing with MSWindows's Wrong Way To Get It
Right) to see that ad-hoc nature of sysvinit was, indeed, a feature, not a

Sysvinit has been evolving, so that certain common features of services
could be accessed through more central tools -- chkconfig and such. Also,
the nomenclature has evolved quite a bit, so that, when you read the
documentation for one set of daemons and pick up the documentation for
another, you don't tend to be as  lost at first. Likewise, the structure of
the scripts.

What I want to see, rather than the implementation of a system where a
system doesn't belong, is more evolution of the sysvinit set of  systems,
more cooperation between the teams working on the various services/daemons,
so that methods of communicating dependencies and status information can be
made more regular.

Systemd does seem to provide a forum for such communication, but I question
the cost of the forum -- abandoning the ad-hoc, flexible nature of sysvinit
for the confined, and confining vision of a small group of engineers whose
(there's no way to avoid saying this) egos exceed both their experience and
their vision.

Sometimes, no, often in engineering fields, an inexperienced engineer has
been able to clear the air of irrelevant arguments and provide a catalyst
for real solutions when the experienced engineers have been blinded by
their experiences. And the new solution solves things.

I see some catalyzation of new approaches and such, but my present
impression of systemd is that it is heading away from the solution, seeking
the illusion of a solution found in Microsoft's stuff.

However, I can hope that the experiment with systemd, after having run its
course, might provide us with more tools to return (yet again) to a more
organized and accessible sysvinit.

The point of this ramble is what? I'm not sure. But, rather than rant about
how stupid systemd is, perhaps we can get a working group or two set up to
figure out how daemons and their packages should communicate their
dependencies and status with each other? Then we could really solve the
problem systemd is not solving right now, and either fix systemd or discard
it as necessary.

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