Pol Hallen wrote:
> using two switches without 802.3ad support I can configure bonding mode 4?
> ie:
> server linux with 2nics: put nic1 cable on switch1, nic2 cable on switch2
> and put another cable from switch1 to pc1 and another cable from switch2 to
> pc1? Obviously with bonding active on both pc.

What are you attempting to gain?  Is your goal to double performance?
Or is your goal to make a redundant connection for reliability?

See no other responses to your question for a while I will jump in
with partial information.  I played with Linux network bonding last
year.  I don't think much has changed in a year.  At that time I
couldn't recommend it for redundancy.  But not for performance.  The
Linux kernel isn't great for being able to make use of the parallel
stream for performance.  I say thumbs down for that purpose.  It just
wasn't a win.  If the two interfaces happened to be different speeds
(such as a wired link and a radio link) then it was really bad.  If
that is your goal then I say don't try it.

But for redundancy for a reliable connection that was good.  I would
give that a thumbs up.  There are also other alternatives for setting
up a high availability redundant network connection too.  If that is
your goal then I say go for it.

I recommend you set up a test setup with what you want to do.  Then
try it.  Doing it will give you the experience to answer the
question.  It is an easy test bench setup to configure and test.  If
you do this please consider posting your results back to the list so
that we can all learn from it.


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  • bonding Pol Hallen
    • Re: bonding Bob Proulx

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