Jochen Spieker:
> Erwan David:
>> dspam being removed from debian, I am looking for a replacement, that is :
>> an email content filter, working on server with per user rules and
>> possibly compatible with dovecot-antispam for training.
> I am looking as well. Dovecot-antispam supports crm114 which I used with
> great success in the past on my workstation for a single user. The
> manpage antispam(7) looks promising, but I haven't tried it yet.

Ok, I already fail at the first step: call crm114 from Postfix so that
it uses user-specific spam/ham CSS files. My web search suggests nobody
has ever done that before. I don't use procmail but Dovecot's LDA for
mail sorting which doesn't allow to call external programs. There is
sieve_extprograms but that looks a little weird to me.

I want to keep my skin looking good but I believe all computers do the
same job.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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