On Thu, Oct 30, 2003 at 07:49:24AM -0600, Larry W. Irwin Sr. wrote:
| On Tue, Oct 28, 2003 at 05:24:28PM -0500, Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:
| > On Tue, Oct 28, 2003 at 01:04:51PM -0600, Larry W. Irwin Sr. wrote:
| > |   I have to use a really old Phoenix S3 Trio32/64 PCI card, running
| > | Debian Woody, no mixed stable/testing/unstable. Is there a way to get
| > | Woody's xserver to work with this fossil?
| > 
| > Does that card support the VESA interface?  If so, use the 'vesafb'
| > driver in the kernel and the 'FBDev' driver in X.  It's really simple
| > to configure, actually.  (I use that setup because it's a lot simpler
| > than messing around with X options)
|   Hi D. I sent this directly to you since the reply I sent to Debian User
| has not shown up yet.

You sent it off-list, that's why.
BTW, your email address is wrong:
    host bigriver.net.mail1.psmtp.com[] said:
    550 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: User unknown (in reply to RCPT TO command)

| I read somewhere that the vesafb module is only
| available in the 2.4.18 source. True?

No.  It is in all 2.4.x kernels I've used.

You might be able to compile it as a module, or just use boot-time
configuration options, but I've never had any luck with that.  I
started with the kernel-source package, copied the configuration from
my current kernel, then included vesafb in the kernel.  ('Y' instead
of 'M' or 'N')  Then, for 1280x1024x16 I put "video=vesa vga=0x31A" on
the kernel's command line.  (the details for how to do that depend on
what boot loader you use)


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