On 07/24/2014 10:56 AM, berenger.mo...@neutralite.org wrote:
> # df -i
> Sys. de fichiers Inœuds IUtil. ILibre IUti% Monté sur
> /dev/sda3        610800  46946 563854    8% /
> udev             506659    376 506283    1% /dev
> tmpfs            507294    339 506955    1% /run
> tmpfs            507294      2 507292    1% /run/lock
> tmpfs            507294      2 507292    1% /run/shm
> /dev/sda2          1152    286    866   25% /boot
> /dev/sda5          9568   1246   8322   14% /home
> /dev/sda7        243840     15 243825    1% /tmp
> /dev/sda6         13952  13952      0  100% /var
> I guess that I need to delete files to have a temporary resolution of
> the problem, but how can I avoid it to come back?

You could either recreate the filesystem with more inodes (as already
suggested) or give xfs (aptitude install xfsprogs) a try. IIRC, xfs
performs very well in situations where other filesystems' inode counts
are exceeded. Note however, that I have not ever used xfs myself -- I am
merely reciting what I have read.


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