On Sun, 27 Jul 2014 12:46:31 -0400
kamaraju kusumanchi <raju.mailingli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The capitalone banking website (https://banking.capitalone.com/)
> is not working with iceweasel. It does not display the login form.
> The error message is
> "We're sorry, our system experienced an error displaying the login
> form."

The same here (fr, sid, amd64).

> please call them and make them aware of the problem. May be if
> enough customers complain, they would do something about it.

Bad bank, change bankā€¦

First, get a real FF user agent string and re-create it exactly
into useragentswitcher; if that doesn't work, then download 
FF for Linux and install it into your $HOME or /usr/local/.

CocO : I hope she's gonna like my poem, it comes from my guts!
HiM : Is it shit?

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