On Fri, 2003-10-31 at 15:19, David Z Maze wrote:
> "BruceG" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> Ainsi parla BruceG le 304Ãme jour de l'an 2003:
> >>
> >>>    I recently installed sendmail / ipopd / apache /squirrelmail to
> >>>    make a SMTP/POP mail server with a Web interface. I'm running
> >>>    Debian Stable. My PC is kind of clunky and old (100 Mhz, 16Meg RAM,
> >>>    1 Gig disk space). I've noticed that some processes stop overnight.
> >>>    Apache, mandb, klogd,... - mainly it's Apache that stops.
> >>
> >> Do they _really_ stop, or only logging ? if it's this one, man
> >> logrotate may help you
> >
> > Yeah, they stop. I was on a different PC and tried to connect to my web
> > server. Couldn't connect. I went to the server and saw the message "VM:
> > killing process Apache" on the console. I tried wading through the logs,
> > but they're a little difficult for a newbie to understand.
> That sounds like your system is running out of memory; 16 MB of RAM is
> pretty tight.  How much swap do you have?  (Can you scavenge more
> physical RAM?)  A kernel message starting with "VM" probably pertains
> to the virtual memory subsystem, which is consistent with you running
> out of memory.  Running 'free' might also help you look at what the
> memory situation is.

Thanks, I ran free and memory was pretty tight. Swap wasn't being used,
but perhaps swap gets nailed when cron jobs are running. I decided to
repartition the disk, and carved out another 32 meg swap, giving 64 Meg
total swap. 

I'll also need to see what packages I can remove, df shows it pretty
tight on disk space as well. This is far removed from playing with
Mandrake and SuSE on a desktop with 384 Meg RAM and 40 gigs disk space,
and playing with Mandrake, SuSE, RedHat and Knoppix on a laptop - but
I'm kind of liking getting in with ssh and checking mail with mutt.
Don't think I'll ever be a vi person, though.

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