Gary Dale wrote:
> Rodolfo Medina wrote:
> >My Debian Sid box won't restart after today's full-upgrade.  At booting, I 
> >read

Sid is the unstable child...

> To get back into your system, you can try booting from a Linux CD (system
> rescue CD, for example) and trying to debug from there. For example, you
> could try (assuming your Linux drive is /dev/sda1):
> mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
> mount -o loop /dev /mnt/dev
> mount -o loop /sys /mnt/sys
> mount -o loop /proc /mnt/proc
> chroot /mnt bash

I also recommend the debian-installer in rescue mode.  The above will
work fine.  Or you could use the debian-installer in rescue mode to
guide you through this.

Here is the official documentation for it:

But that is fairly terse.  Let me say that the rescue mode looks just
like the install mode initially.  It will ask you keyboard and locale
questions and you might wonder if you are rescuing or installing!  But
it will have "Rescue" in the corners so that you can tell and be
assured.  Get the tool set up with keyboard, locale, timezone, and
similar and eventually it will give you a menu with a list of actions.

  Advanced options...
  Rescue mode
  ...starts networking...
  ...apt update release files...
  ...loading additional components, Retrieving udebs...
  ...detecting disks...

Then eventually it will get to a menu "Enter rescue mode" that will
ask what device to use as a root file system.  It will list the
partitions that it has automatically detected.  (If you have raid or
lvm then it will list options for those.  If not then just the simple
disks.)  Select the appropriate partition from the list.  Then
continue.  At that point it presents a menu "Execute a shell in
/dev/...".  That is what you want.  That should get you a shell on
your system with everything needed mounted.


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