On 05/08/14, Brian (a...@cityscape.co.uk) wrote:
> > But I've also been trying to learn to cope with our future via
> > init=/bin/systemd.
> Irrespective of what future direction you take this open-minded attitude
> is commendable. 

> >...  and then I
> > noticed /etc/cups/cupsd-systemd-listen.conf.  I _guess_ it was
> > installed behind my back without any warning. ...
> It is impossible on Debian for a file to be installed behind one's
> back. Of course, if you not look at what a package contains,
> README.Debian, a changelog, NEWS.Debian etc then it may look like
> that.

Does anyone read all that as a matter of routine upgrading?  I ran
aft-file search on the file, to see what package was involved, and got
no return, which makes it hard to figure out which changelog, etc. to

> I would say it is extremely unlikely that
> cupsd-systemd-listen.conf broke your cups.

 My reason for suspecting cupsd-systemd-listen.conf is that I did not
configure it (not knowing it was there), so it did not list anything.
I had no localhost:631, no cups socket -- because I had nothing listed
in that file?  Among the changes I made in getting my printer going
again was adding
Probably overkill, I admit.

> But it is in the past, so we can leave it at that.

Unless, of course, there's a lesson here for someone trying to get
systemd to work. 

>> 3. ... Since systemd gives pretty good error messages, life got much
>> easier I got to read them, by amending /etc/inittab by adding
>> --noclear thus: 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty
> /etc/inittab is not a file systemd looks at.

I know.  But systemd boot messages, along with those useful hints at
where to find errors, vanish unless --noclear is added. Maybe there's
a journalctl option that includes boot errors, but I haven't found it

> You may want to read the thread which contains this post:
> https://lists.debian.org/87bns2roy6....@turtle.gmx.de

Yeah, that's the thread where I learned to set --noclear.  I put it in
inittab, even though systemd has its own location, just because the
option works from there.

> I look forward to your help.

And I to yours.

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