ph> Don't confuse installing a new kernel (3.2 and 3.12 are different
  ph> kernels, different packages names) and upgrading an installed
  ph> kernel with a new release (same version, same package name,
  ph> different package release versions). Upgrading an installed kernel
  ph> package replaces it, as with any other package. Installing a new
  ph> kernel does not.

I think the above comments by Pascal most succinctly clarifies my
confusion ... pointing out the difference between "installing" and

Next time I'll pay more attention to what is being presented by the
"package manager"!

Still a little uneasy about having no "backup kernel".  But, I do have a
CD with "Recovery Is Possible"/RIP [1] on it that I can use if something
"terrible" happens.  ;-)

Though I am only replying to Pascal's letter, I definitely want to thank
not just Pascal, but *all* who contributed to this thread.




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