I've recently been looking in the jessie repos for any programme relating
to diet management, or weight management, i.e. anything at all about
dieting or losing weight. And I can't find any! The nearest I could find
was for "nut-nutrition" which appeared to be console-based and
american-centric although I couldn't access the source to see for

Are there any programmes in the repos for dieting/losing weight please?

I've done a google search and couldn't really find anything there
either, most of the programs available relate to MS-windows, which I'm
not interested in.

So can anyone help please?

A taste of linux = http://www.sharons.org.uk
my git repo = https://bitbucket.org/boudiccas/dots
TGmeds = http://www.tgmeds.org.uk
Debian testing, fluxbox 1.3.5, emacs

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