Steve Litt wrote:
> Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > Steve Litt wrote:
> > > 2) Write it to the screen. Relatively little happens before the
> > >    filesystem comes up, anyway.
> > 
> > It's "only" about 750 lines on my laptop...
> How'd you count the lines? Did you use a laptop as a serial console or
> something?

I don't know how Andrei counts these things but for me:

  # apt-get install bootlogd

And then after a reboot:

  # wc -l /var/log/boot
  103 /var/log/boot

I have systems with fewer lines (84) and some with a few more lines
(153).  Seeing 750 lines seems excessivly many but it would all depend
upon what is installed and what starts at boot time.


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