On Wed, 13 Aug 2014 00:50:31 +1000
Zenaan Harkness <z...@freedbms.net> wrote:

> Red asterisks (up to 3) appear to oscillate at left
> edge in an ascii "wait for me" animation.

You're a lucky guy: I don't have even one asterisk (only
a white underscore and a blinking cursor - on a laptop).

But I'm not that sure it is tied to systemd because
on my spare system (also sid, but the bare minimum
to troubleshoot main system, just in case…), the shutdown
works like a charm.

<guend> people criticize windoz…
<guend> but since I have my new computer, I have had no problems with it
<kayoch> but didn't you just buy a Mac?
<guend> yes, so what?

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