Hello everybody

I'm very new to lists.debian.org so please appologize if I am doing
something wrong by sending this email. I'm just out of idea with a behavior
in NDP and must find a solution. I didn't find anything on the internet.

RFC4861 section 7.2.2 says that the source address in NDP neighbor
solicitations can be any one of the addresses assigned to the interface. It
also says that using the prompting packet's source address ensures that the
recipient installs it in its neighbor cache.
The latter is the behavior I can see on my boxes (a debian 6.0.9 + custom
kernel 3.2.14) and also on a Centos one.

# ip -6 addr list
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qlen 1000
    inet6 2a10:7e40:edf6:100::32/64 scope global
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::a00:27ff:fe02:3cbd/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

# ping6 2a10:7e40:edf6:100::33 -c 3 &>/dev/null &
# tcpdump -nli eth0 icmp6

18:09:04.726908 IP6 2a10:7e40:edf6:100::32 > ff02::1:ff00:33: ICMP6,
neighbor solicitation, who has 2a10:7e40:edf6:100::33, length 32
18:09:04.727373 IP6 2a10:7e40:edf6:100::33 > 2a10:7e40:edf6:100::32:
ICMP6, neighbor advertisement, tgt is 2a10:7e40:edf6:100::33, length
18:09:04.727391 IP6 2a10:7e40:edf6:100::32 > 2a10:7e40:edf6:100::33:
ICMP6, echo request, seq 1, length 64
18:09:04.727738 IP6 2a10:7e40:edf6:100::33 > 2a10:7e40:edf6:100::32:
ICMP6, echo reply, seq 1, length 64

My question is : How can I force ndp to use the link-local address assigned
to that outgoing device ? (in the trace above, ndp would then send the
neighbor solicitation with fe80::a00:27ff:fe02:3cbd source address).

This is requested by our customer for security reasons and as far as I can
see it complies with RFC4861 as well.

If someone had a clue how to do that or if it's just impossible, I would
really appreciate your help.

Thank you
Best resgards

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