Ahoj, Dňa Tue, 09 Sep 2014 08:35:48 -0500 John Hasler <jhas...@newsguy.com> napísal:
> After reading some (extensive and very heated) discussions on > debian-devel I've changed my mind. File the bugs directly against > Systemd whenever justifiable. Please, can you point me? Or provide (really very) short description here? I was tray to read the d-devel ML, but i see to follow the discussion there as very terrible for me - it is a terrible because sometime the things are less technical and go out of my English knowledge and other are too technical and go out my technical knowledge and then i am not able to decide if i don't understand because my English or because i don't know what is discussion about :-) regards -- Slavko http://slavino.sk
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