On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 11:37:38AM +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
>    Hi guys,
>    i am using wheezy with libvirt virtualization i have configured a bridge
>    interface for that purpose. 
>    i have statically set the bridge interface in interfaces file. 
>    like this

As another alternative, if you have ifupdown 0.7.41 or later, you can
put files into /etc/network/interfaces.d/ and they'll get included. So,
leave this in /etc/network/interfaces:

>    # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
>    # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
>    # The loopback network interface
>    auto lo
>    iface lo inet loopback
>    # The primary network interface
>    allow-hotplug eth1
>    #iface eth1 inet dhcp
>    #iface eth1 inet static

Put this into /etc/network/interfaces.d/br0

>    allow-hotplug br0
>    iface br0 inet static
>            address 10.xx.xx.18
>            netmask 255.xx.xx.xx
>            network 10.xx.xx.0
>            gateway 10.xx.xx.3
>            broadcast 10.xx.xx.255
>            dns-nameservers 10.xx.xx.8
>            bridge_ports eth1
>            bridge_stp off
>            auto br0

Now, if something clobbers your /etc/network/interfaces file, hopefully
it won't touch the br0 file and that'll still come up fine :)

>    now when ever i restart the wheezy server i shows me something like this.
>    auto lo
>    iface lo inet loopback
>    iface br0 inet dhcp
>           bridge_ports eth1
>            bridge_stp off
>            auto br
>    and eventually my connection gets broken. 
>    Please help.
>    Thanks,
>    MYK

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