Steve Litt <> writes:

> On Sun, 21 Sep 2014 17:48:13 +0200
> lee <> wrote:
>> So i3 doesn't have any advantages for me --- fvwm is much more
>> flexible and without the utter confusion that arises when you try to
>> arrange a number of windows in a particular manner with i3.  It even
>> wastes less screen space than i3 because I don't need a status bar
>> and no containers.
> Hi Lee,
> Because you use fvwm on a regular basis, you should write some
> documentation on it.

Hm.  What kind of documentation would you be looking for?

What comes to mind as perhaps most helpful might be some pretty small
example which could help you getting started.  Perhaps I can put
something together tomorrow from what I have.  By no means I'm an expert
on fvwm, though ...

> I know it's excellent because I've seen people operate it in a fast
> and efficient manner, but because I don't know what I'm doing and I
> have little fvwm documentation, every time I try to use fvwm things go
> wrong fast.

Fvwm has a pretty good man page (which you have to refer to) and some
documentation ...  Why are things going wrong with it for you, and what

I've used fvwm like 20 years ago without learning much about it, then
enlightenment for quite some time and tried others, then came back to
fvwm and decided to learn it better.  I used fvwm-crystal for a while
until I wanted to modify it more to my needs and found that to be very
difficult because fvwm-crystal is just too much.

So I decided to create a new config from scratch and used some things
from fvwm-crystal and a few findings on the internet.  This has
developed over time.

The fvwm mailing list is also very helpful; you'll find the real
knowledgeable people there.  To try things out, you can use some
software the name of which I forgot and which allows you to run fvwm (or
another WM) under another WM, so nothing can really go wrong.

> I'm pretty sure that fvwm is native on OpenBSD, and some "small" Linux
> distros.

Hmmmm ...  Some BSD is probably not the best choice for what I'm doing,
neither on the desktop, nor on the server (at least not as dom0) :/  I
think I'll replace Fedora with Gentoo ...

i3 might be pretty portable, too, who knows ...

Knowledge is volatile and fluid.  Software is power.

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