Steve Litt wrote:
On Sun, 28 Sep 2014 15:21:13 +0200
Slavko <> wrote:


Dňa Sun, 28 Sep 2014 10:56:08 +0200 Martin Steigerwald
<> napísal:

But my challenge to all of you who don´t want systemd as default in
Debian still is this:

*Stop* complaining and *start* acting.
You are right. For now it seems, that there is no chance to get DE
without systemd in debian and no change is expected (at least) in near
future. Then i test two scenarios now:

1. switch to another distro - for now i am testing funtoo, if is here
    possible to have all my apps chain without systemd and it seems,
    that it is possible (BTW it is my first attempt with sourced
distro) 2. stay on debian and maintain own versions of the packages,
which (useless for me) depends on the systemd – i tried it with dbus
and it is possible, but i afraid, if my system's knowledge will be
    enough with all needed packages.

I afraid too, that the 2. will not be a temporary task and number
affected packages will be grow, then i don't think, that it is real
solution for me.

Don't forget to try the various BSDs. As long as your BSD can run qemu
or another VM, you can use Debian for that one or two programs that
don't work under your chosen BSD. I think that with a bind mount you
can even read and write the same filesystem your BSD writes, but am not

And the new crop of Solaris based distros. SmartOS looks awfully sweet for servers. Lack of Xen support is the primary thing holding me back.

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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