2014/10/16 15:34 "Jonathan Dowland" <j...@debian.org>:
> On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 01:12:51AM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
> > OK, I'll be the first to admit that after Red Hat caused the demise of
> > ConsoleKit (and probably lots more important software), I am free to
> > take significant time out of my day job (that feeds my family) and
> > rescue all sorts of software that Red Hat deliberately scuttled.
> You're being completely ludicrous, Steve. The extent of your sense of
> entitlement is breathtaking. Here you are on a list dedicated to an OS
> built almost entirely by volunteers and you're not prepared to roll
> your sleeves up, but you're more than happy to tell everyone how they
> should do it, and what they should do.
> I'm not going to engage with you any more on this list.

I think it would help if we wouldn't assume the other guy is freeloading,
just because he seems to have time to be looking places we not to, or
because he shares his work in different ways.

FWIW, I've been getting three or four hours of sleep at night for the last
month, and I haven't touched any of my personal projects since before
summer, including one that should have been making my day job significantly
easier by now.

Joel Rees

Computer memory is just fancy paper,
CPUs just fancy pens.
All is a stream of text
flowing from the past into the future.

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