--- Joe Rhett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Okay, this
is probably a bonehead user question but
> I'm just getting used
> to Debian.  Not normally a bonehead :-(
> I would like/prefer to run 'stable'.  Debian/Woody
> installed on my laptop
> perfectly fine.  Wireless/WEP, IPsec, X all up and
> running SWEET.
> Unfortunately, the stable browser is 'zilla 1.0 :-(
> I would like to run a modern Mozilla, without
> updating the whole universe
> if possible.  I've done the documented steps for
> accessing unstable
> (testing doesn't have anything newer) and rerun
> apt-get update and it sees
> the packages just fine.  But when I try to upgrade
> mozilla it wants to
> install 293 packages ... uh, no.
> The man page indicates that apt-get upgrade doesn't
> handle single package
> upgrades -- to use dselect.  Well dselect gets way
> way lost inside a tree I
> can't find my way out of.  I spent an hour trying to
> make dselect happy,
> and I'm still lost.
> So finally I just went to the package directly using
> mozilla.  It tells me
> of the dependancies, but allows me to download
> directly.  But then kpackage
> barfs because it wants all the dependancies.
> Am I really supposed to spend all night long
> manually downloading all the
> dependancies?  Ugh.
> So I am writing here in hopes I'm overlooking
> something.  Please, tell me
> how one can update just one package and its
> dependancies, without doing a
> full-on conversion from Woody to unstable?  If a
> single package forces one
> to upgrade completely to unstable branch, then the
> entire purpose of the
> trees appears to be a moot point.
> Now -- skip the download and compile yourself.  No
> fun.  And skip the
> 'download the 'zilla net installer and use that' --
> because I already have.
> But I want to know how to solve this problem and
> stay within the Debian
> framework.


If you want to upgrade just Mozilla in Woody rather
than the whole host of things that Sid suggests you're
going need to look at backports, take a look at
www.apt-get.org but beware that using a range of
backported products together can seriously mess your
system up...

If you think you might want to upgrade other packages
in the future - and why not, Woody is *old* and most
people happily run Sid on their desktops - you should
look at dist-upgrading to Sid


> -- 
> Joe Rhett                                           
>           Chief Geek
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                    
>  Isite Services, Inc.
> -- 
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