On Ma, 21 oct 14, 15:46:44, Lee Winter wrote:
> It appears to me that it should be possible to run the Debian Installer
> just as a program and a set of package files rather than as a bootable
> image containing both.  So, given a bootable image in .ISO or .img format,
> how can the image be transformed into an executable program and associated
> package files that reside on a typical (HDD) file system?

It seems like you're looking for debootstrap, but it might be better to 
explain what you're trying to achieve.
> As a corollary question, are the debian installer isos bootable as is, or
> is it mandatory that they be burned to media (CD/DVD/USB) and the media
> booted?  For example, several boot loaders allow a kind of chainload from
> their own boot sector to the boot sector of an ISO or img file.  But the
> booted image has to be able to find itself in order to continue the
> process.  Can debian install images find themselves?

I think this should work.

Kind regards,
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