On Ma, 21 oct 14, 15:38:46, Miles Fidelman wrote:
> Ludovic Meyer wrote:
> >For example, spotify decided to switch to Ubuntu rather than keeping Debian, 
> >and
> >if you look around, they are not the only ones.
> And you're attributing that to Debian dragging its feet on systemd?
> As I recall, the explicit reason Ubuntu finally decided to adopt systemd was
> the Debian decision to adopt systemd.

You seem to forget Ubuntu was already using upstart since 6.10 Edgy Eft, 
released in 2006. That's 8 (eight) years.

Upstart was the only real contender to systemd at the time of the 
evaluation by the Technical Committee, but it has or is being replaced 
by systemd everywhere.


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