On 11/01/2014 at 10:22 AM, Chris Bannister wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 01:20:35PM +0900, Joel Rees wrote:
>> 2014/10/28 20:37 "Chris Bannister" <cbannis...@slingshot.co.nz>:

>>> Now I know what the following joke means:
>>> "There is a man on his hands and knees searching around him. A
>>> man comes along and asks what is the problem. He says I've lost
>>> 10 dollars, so the
>> "I've lost my linux-based operating system distribution and
>> community."
> So you want the link to the netinst image, why didn't you say?
> http://www.debian.org/distrib/netinst

I think is point was more that what's available there is no longer the
Linux-based distro which he lost (much less its associated community,
since presumably that community would have rejected the things he's
objecting to out of hand). As I suspect you're aware, unless you were
being deliberately obtuse.

>>> man bends down and starts helping him look. After a while of
>>> futile searching the man says, hmmm, this isn't getting us
>>> anywhere; where did you lose it. The man replies, Further on up
>>> the road, but the light's better here."
>>> There's not much debian-user can do about facilitating change
>>> whether upstream is receptive or not.
>> I dunno. That sounds a little cynical to me.
> Come on Lee, unless you are going to write patches and submit them
> to the Debian maintainer via the BTS, which I gather from your mails
> is not your intention, then what can complaining on debian-user about
> upstream achieve?

It can help raise and/or maintain awareness and objection in other
people, which helps promote pushback against and resistance to the
movement already underway which some people (apparently including lee)
find so strongly objectionable.

Or, depending on the attitudes and biases of the community, it may
actually hinder rather than promote those things - by making advocacy
for them look ugly and unpleasant, the sort of thing with which one
might not want to associate oneself.

I obviously don't know for certain where the attitudes and biases of the
community (including the presumably silent majority) stand - not even
for the debian-user community, much less the broader Debian or even *nix
community in general. Judging from the level of reaction there is and
isn't, however, I suspect that there is at least enough sympathy for his
viewpoint that he's not definitely doing his cause more harm than good.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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