On Du, 02 nov 14, 00:57:45, kamaraju kusumanchi wrote:
> Thanks. This is useful and solves my first question.

Oh, missed that one[1]. Aptitude, at least in interactive mode can do 
it, because it presents a "Security Updates" (or something like that) 
package group. One can just Shift-U on the group to update just those 

For the commandline it should be possible to come up with a pattern that 
finds upgradeable packages from a certain archive (origin?). Then it's 
only a matter of substituting 'search' with 'install'[2].

See chapter 2 in the aptitude user's manual (package aptitude-doc-en).

[1] maybe you shouldn't post unrelated questions in the same message?
[2] APT tools usually don't have a 'upgrade-package [list]' command, 
because 'install' does it.

Kind regards,
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