Am Sonntag, 2. November 2014, 16:17:05 schrieb Martin Manns:
> Dear all

Hi Martin,

> After switching to systemd, I would like to get back the following
> behavior:
> Mount multiple lvm-crypt volumes with password entry on startup.
> Mount several loopback devices from files within these volumes.
> With sysvinit, I had put the mount order into /etc/fstab and everything
> worked as expected.

How so? In fstab in the column "pass" you can only specify the fsck order, not 
the mount order.
> After switching to systemd, mount operations seem to be spawned in
> parallel. This has the following consequences:

Asking to find out whether this is a regression or just a different behavior.

Did you also check debian-user and debian-user-german threads, I think lvm-
crypt + systemd has been discussed several times. DonĀ“t know whether mutiple 
mounts have been a topic tough.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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