Martin Manns:
After switching to systemd,  [...] password entry on startup looks
> weird because some weird red moving stars are shown instead of a
> prompt. [...] This is probably a configuration issue. However, I was
> not able to find a good solution with google (between all the systemd
> rants).

That's what you get when your first recourse is Google rather than the manual that comes with your software on your computer. (-: The manual pages that you should be reading are: * man -S 5 crypttab # ( * man -S 8 systemd-cryptsetup-generator # ( * man -S 8 systemd-cryptse...@.service.html # (

After reading them, you'll know that you should be finding out about password agents:

Plymouth is right there at the top of the list.

The official name for the "weird red moving stars" is "animated boot time output for hanging jobs". But its unofficial name is the "systemd Cylon eye". This is the part that is undocumented. Your auto-generated systemd-cryptsetup@ jobs are of course hanging waiting for a response from the systemd RPC password prompting system that hands the passwords to them. Since you don't have plymouth, you're using the rather less prettified fallback password prompter that comes bundled in the systemd package that doesn't work too well with other console output happening at the same time. And again you have to start with reading the manual rather than with Google: * man -S 8 systemd-ask-password-console.service # ( * man -S 1 systemd-tty-ask-password-agent # (

Yes, the plymouth documentation is from the Use The Source Luke school of badly written documentation. You have to read the developer doco to even find a mention of the word "password", and even that's almost incidental. Here's the source, Luke, for what it's worth: *

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