On Mi, 12 nov 14, 15:43:09, Tanstaafl wrote:
> Sounds good to me, but in reality, since the default *and only* init
> system for the last very many years was Sysvinit (this extremely salient
> point seems to be completely and totally lost on the systemd
> proponents), I think only systemd and sysvinit need to be there... but
> allowing for additions once required bugs implementing them are resolved
> as fixed.

You're forgetting about:

- minit: in Debian since 2004
- initng: in Debian experimental from 2005 until 2007
- upstart: in Debian since 2007
- systemd: in Debian since 2010

This is just from the top of my head, and a quick look on 
snapshot/PTS/etc. so I might have missed some.

Then there are also other tools that can function as PID 1 (e.g. 
daemontools, runit).

Kind regards,
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