Am 12.11.2014 um 18:14 schrieb Miles Fidelman <>:
> Yes, I am unhappy with the situation, as apparently are a not-insignificant 
> number of other Debian users.  One could hope that feedback might have some 
> effect in influencing future decisions. That it has not, or if anything 
> rigidified the Direction of Debian, is in itself, rather useful information 
> when it comes to making plans for future use of Debian.  (As someone else 
> said - hope that LFS extends Wheezy's lifetime.  And in parallel, start 
> looking for a new distro, platform and maybe working on derivative or fork.)


> It is also quite useful to identify others who are similarly unhappy, so that 
> we may exchange knowledge about how to move forward with pursuing 
> alternatives.

Here I am, also having dozens of Xen, drbd, heartbeat/corosync, pacemaker 

Helmut Wollmersdorfer

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