From: Nate Bargmann <>
    Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 06:15:18 -0600
> I'm curious if you can read the floppy directory contents using the
> 'mdir' command from the mtools package?  If you can do that as peter,
> then  that may point to a problem with qemu.  Just a thought.

This is for a MS-DOS 5.0 installer diskette.

peter@armada:/media/floppy0$ mdir
 Volume in drive A is DISK      1
 Volume Serial Number is 0C74-0EEB
Directory for A:/

COMMAND  COM     47845 1991-11-11   5:00 
AUTOEXEC BAT        36 1991-11-11   5:00 
CONFIG   SYS        13 1991-11-11   5:00 
COUNTRY  SYS     17069 1991-11-11   5:00 
EGA      SY_      4107 1991-11-11   5:00 
FORMAT   COM     33087 1991-11-11   5:00 
KEYB     COM     14986 1991-11-11   5:00 
KEYBOARD SYS     34697 1991-11-11   5:00 
NLSFUNC  EXE      7052 1991-11-11   5:00 
SETUP    EXE     73860 1991-11-11   5:00 
SETUP    INI      1975 1991-11-11   5:00 
CV       COM       716 1991-11-11   5:00 
README   1ST       452 1991-11-11   5:00 
DISPLAY  SY_     11186 1991-11-11   5:00 
EGA      CP_     19714 1991-11-11   5:00 
HIMEM    SY_      7916 1991-11-11   5:00 
MODE     CO_     16834 1991-11-11   5:00 
SETVER   EX_      7448 1991-11-11   5:00 
ANSI     SY_      7185 1991-11-11   5:00 
DEBUG    EX_     16898 1991-11-11   5:00 
EDLIN    EX_     10441 1991-11-11   5:00 
EMM386   EX_     47605 1991-11-11   5:00 
FASTOPEN EX_      8927 1991-11-11   5:00 
FDISK    EXE     57224 1991-11-11   5:00 
MEM      EX_     29726 1991-11-11   5:00 
MIRROR   CO_     12811 1991-11-11   5:00 
RAMDRIVE SY_      3765 1991-11-11   5:00 
SHARE    EX_      9312 1991-11-11   5:00 
SMARTDRV SY_      6295 1991-11-11   5:00 
SYS      CO_      9672 1991-11-11   5:00 
UNDELETE EX_      9399 1991-11-11   5:00 
UNFORMAT COM     18576 1991-11-11   5:00 
XCOPY    EX_     11879 1991-11-11   5:00 
DOSKEY   CO_      4730 1991-11-11   5:00 
8514     VI_      7305 1991-11-11   5:00 
CGA      GR_      1768 1991-11-11   5:00 
CGA      IN_      3330 1991-11-11   5:00 
CGA      VI_      6920 1991-11-11   5:00 
DOSSHELL CO_      2231 1991-11-11   5:00 
DOSSHELL EX_    156431 1991-11-11   5:00 
DOSSWAP  EX_     15492 1991-11-11   5:00 
EGA      GR_      2729 1991-11-11   5:00 
EGA      IN_      3333 1991-11-11   5:00 
EGA      VI_      7012 1991-11-11   5:00 
EGAMONO  GR_      2564 1991-11-11   5:00 
HERC     GR_      1809 1991-11-11   5:00 
HERC     VI_      6998 1991-11-11   5:00 
MONO     GR_       301 1991-11-11   5:00 
MONO     IN_      2990 1991-11-11   5:00 
PACKING  LST      2381 1991-11-11   5:00 
PRINT    EX_     11061 1991-11-11   5:00 
VGA      GR_      3593 1991-11-11   5:00 
VGA      VI_      7236 1991-11-11   5:00 
VGAMONO  GR_      3605 1991-11-11   5:00 
APPNOTES TXT      8369 1991-11-11   5:00 
DOSHELP  HL_      2844 1991-11-11   5:00 
DOSSHELL HL_     54344 1991-11-11   5:00 
EDIT     HL_     17419 1991-11-11   5:00 
HELP     EX_      8534 1991-11-11   5:00 
RECOVER  EX_      7561 1991-11-11   5:00 
DOS          <DIR>     1996-09-01   8:24 
       61 files             911 598 bytes
                            456 192 bytes free

> Perhaps using dd to make a raw image of the floppy and having qemu boot
> from that may be an alternative.

There are two bootable diskettes here.  One is the MS-DOS 5.0 
installer which gives the mdir above.  The other is an 
Oberon0 installer.  Machines here cold boot from each. 
The qemu virtual system boots from each image. 
sudo qemu-system-i386 -fda ~/disketteImageFile -vga std -boot a

The qemu virtual system fails to boot from each diskette 
as a host device. 
sudo qemu-system-i386 -fda /dev/fd0 -vga std -boot a

A bug report is warranted.  

Thanks for the help,           ... Peter E.

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