Dear experts,

i know its frustrating because i always ask theoretical question. i hope
and believe you guyz will not mind and  i really learn alot from this list.

So, coming to the point, I want to clear my confusion on block size.
theoretically i  know what block size is but practically i dont know that
what are the reasons that one might want to change the block size and how
it effects the IO performance.

i have heard that people would want to use bigger block size if they are
hosting or storing big files like videos, or other big size data. on the
other hand people recommends to use small size when we have many small
files. actually i know the science behind that if i create a bigger block
size and file size is small it will create the same size file as block size
which end up eating space when we have large database of small file.

so in context of above. my questions are.

why to change the block size? and what are the basic reasons that make some
one to think about that?

did it really help in increasing the performance by changing the block size?

can it effect the RAID (mdadm) or hardware RAID performance if we change
the block size?

what is the deference b/w block size and cylinder. ?

why it is recommended that we should use same size of block in both VG and
LV as the size of PV?


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