Thanks for replying.

On 27/11/14 02:24, Rick Macdonald wrote:
> On 26/11/14 12:23 AM, Scott Ferguson wrote:
>> On 26/11/14 16:14, Rick Macdonald wrote:
>>> On 25/11/14 08:46 PM, Scott Ferguson wrote:
>>>> Sorry, I don't know what DE means!
>>>> Desktop Environment e.g. GNOME, KDE, XFCE, LXDE, etc
>>> KFCE.
>> ??
>> Gives me nothing :(
>> Assuming the best intentions, and that "KFCE" isn't a typo - it still
>> "appears" you are not running Debian, it's 'possible' you are using Mint
>> - which is a Debian "derivative". This the *Debian*-User list, the wrong
>> place to expect support for anything other than Debian or Debian
>> PureBlends for several[*1] reasons.
>> Are you using Debian??
> Scott, I really appreciate your time in helping me, and I realize it's
> not easy with my typo and perhaps mis-used terminology. As I hinted at,
> I've been running pure Debian for some 20 years. I forget how long I've
> been subscribed to this list, but it could be almost 20 years as well.
> That doesn't make me smart, just old (and happy with Debian).
> I did indeed mistype, and it should have been XFCE not KFCE.

My original thought - then someone send me a link to the Mint desktop
manager with the same name as the typo...

I'm away from the box where I set-up a set environment, and the desk
with my notes (this email client is being remotely accessed). I'll be
back there later today. Note I put an NTFS file system on a USBKey with
the same label as your setup, created a /media directory as you have -
and was able to achieve what you wanted. I do want to provide you with a
better way of reaching your desired outcome - without you (and userland
processes) having raw disk access.

Hopefully I'll get a chance to reply further later today.

> I've been googling and posting with the term "auto-mount", but is this
> more properly "hotplug"? I'm not trying to get the USB drive to mount at
> boot; that I can do. It mounts when I plug the drive in to the running
> system, just not with the permissions that I need. I hope I didn't lead
> anyone to think I'm asking about a boot-time mount issue.
> Over the years the hot-plug system (if that's the name for it) seems to
> have changed a few times, and I admit I've never understood how hal,
> udev, etc worked/works. It's always worked to some extent, so I've never
> had to fuss with it.
> ntfs-3g's umask/dmask/fmask options all default to 0, but somebody is
> calling it with dmask=0077,fmask=0177. I haven't figured out the chain
> of commands involved.

The ntfs-3g ref I (believe I) posted earlier on the thread is
instructive (it's to upstream documentation).

> Regards,
> Rick

Thanks for your patience - what you want is "doable", just not, perhaps,
exactly the way you want to do it.

Kind regards

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