The Wanderer wrote:
> As usual when dealing with recursive action under *nix, the answer is
> find:

Yes!  :-)

> find -P ...

> The '-P' option tells find to never follow any symlinks.

A small comment upon the technique.  Just noting that -P is the
default.  No need to specify it explicitly.

    -P     Never follow symbolic links.  This is the default behaviour.
           When find examines or prints information a file, and the
           file is a symbolic link, the information used shall be
           taken from the properties of the symbolic link itself.

Just in case someone were to learn about -P and think they needed to
add it to all of their scripts for safety.  They don't.  It is safe
without it.  :-)

Why does -P exist?  Symmetry with -L.  Plus there are some script
techniques where it is convenient to have an explicit way to override
a previous -L by adding a -P after it.  Almost all of the commands
that have a -L (such as 'cd') also have a -P for the same reason.

       If more than one of -H, -L and -P is specified, each overrides
       the others; the last one appearing on the command line takes
       effect.  Since it is the default, the -P option  should  be
       considered to be in effect unless either -H or -L is specified.

> ... -execdir chgrp www-data {} \; ...

I suggest using the "{} +" form since it is more efficient.  And it
has the additional advantage that it doesn't need to be escaped.

       As with the -exec action, the `+' form of -execdir will build a
       command line to process more than one matched file, but any
       given invocation of command will only list files that exist in
       the same subdirectory.

Find is good stuff!


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