do u have a "fsck" file in the root / of the partition?
(this will cause a fs check as well)


On Tue, 2015-01-06 at 18:23 -0600, ~Stack~ wrote:
> Greetings,
> This problem has been a minor annoyance for a while but only recently
> have I started to use Jessie more and it is has finally peeved me off. I
> have been trying everything I can find for the last two hours and I
> still can't get systemd to STOP doing a fsck on _every_ boot!
> It tells me with a nice count down that it will take 1:45 minutes to
> run. It always runs longer and it always hangs on the swap partition.
> Immediately after it finishes there is a /super/ quick message about a
> timeout on the swap partition (that I can *not* find in the log files
> anywhere) followed by another message I can't read nor find in the log
> files. I see where it runs fsck in both the daemon and syslog, but
> _every_ partition is clean. There are no errors or timeouts that I can
> find in the logs.
> I keep seeing all of these posts online saying how easy it is to disable
> systemd from runing fsck because it "honors" the '0' in the sixth field
> of /etc/fstab. Well that's just pure bull$h1t... That was one of the
> first things I tried some time ago. As far as I can tell on neither of
> my Jessie machines (one physical one virtual) does systemd honor the
> fstab in terms of doing a fsck. All of the partitions are set to 0 in
> /etc/fstab.
> I found a post saying to disable it in /etc/fstab as a mount option
> 'x-systemd.automount'. That doesn't work either.
> $ sed -e '/^#/d' /etc/fstab
> /dev/mapper/sda2_crypt / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 0
> UUID=af9e4bfa-5591-4b9a-a855-3444b2562493 /boot ext4 defaults 0 0
> /dev/mapper/sda3_crypt none swap,x-systemd.automount sw 0 0
> /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto  0 0
> /dev/mapper/sda4_crypt /home ext4 defaults 0 0
> I tried disabling the systemd-fsck service. That didn't work either.
> Finally, I just tried "fsck.mode=skip" on the kernel command
> line...guess what? That doesn't work either. I thought maybe there was
> an issue with me interupting grub manually to add that line, so I also
> added it to /etc/default/grub's GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT and ran
> update-grub. After rebooting WITH a fsck being run, I can see it in my
> /proc/cmdline and when I look through my last boot log I can *see* it
> there too! Still doesn't work and systemd-fsck still runs on _every_ boot.
> $ cat cmdline
> BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.16.0-4-686-pae
> root=UUID=99d5a78e-7e8d-4426-83b2-33c06d630587 ro quiet
> init=/bin/systemd fsck.mode=skip
> At this point I don't even care anymore if my disks never run fsck
> again. I just want systemd-fsck to STOP running on EVERY boot.
> Thanks!
> ~Stack~

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