On 5/2/14, Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mard...@alice-dsl.net> wrote:
> Ok, if I don't remember the complete command name and I like to use the
> tab key to show me a list of available commands (r typing the complete
> command name is to much work, then I first type the first characters
> without sudo, push the tab key and after that I add sudo.
> [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ ch
> chacl         chattr        checkdotdin   checkupdates  chfn
> chmod         chpassword    chrt
> chage         chcon         checkgid      checkXML      chgpasswd
> chmorph       chromedriver  chsh
> charmap       chcp          check_hd      cheese        chgrp
> chown         chromium      chuser
> chat          chcpu         check-regexp  chem          chktex
> chpasswd      chroot        chvt
> [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ sudo ch

Am in my inbox digging around and came across this older post. Seemed
like a useful memory aid oriented tip to highlight. I just tried it,
and it works great in GNOME Terminal. I tried three letters, too. I
tried "deb" and received just "debconf" back at first for some reason.
For kicks and giggles since only one command came back, I hit the tab
key a couple more times again and ended up receiving a list of all
commands that begin with "debconf".

Very cool. My thoughts are always that maybe someone else doesn't know
it exists, and maybe they know of just the right wish list where this
feature or a tweak of it would be perfect for the next upgrade of
something else Debian out there. :)

Cindy :)

Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with plastic sporks *

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