scott wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> > Actually, 62 possible characters (upper case, lower case and digits), 10
> > positions is 62^10 or 839,299,365,868,340,224 possible combinations.
> > 
> > Adding in special characters obviously would increase that.
> > 
> > But there is no way you'll hit a server 1,000,000 times a second trying
> > to brute force a password.

Complete agreement.  I want to go further and say that a password that
you can remember without needing to write it down is probably not a
good password.

> >> I currently use sixteen or more letters in my passwords, don't use

I use 10 for most sites but longer for banking sites.  Except for
Schwab which I have shamed here before for silently truncating all
passwords to 8 characters!

> >> simple permutations or common phrases (as for the first leter trick),
> >> use disconnected words from multiple languages. Or use 16 character
> >> true random passwords for the important stuff.

For quite some time now I have only used completely randomly generated
passwords.  I can't possibly remember them.  I use a password storage
system unique to my environment.  I don't remember them.  I write them
down.  I copy them from my storage when I need them.  I use
cut-n-paste and so this is actually reasonably convenient everywhere
but the tablet.  (None of the input methods on the tablet are
convenient to me.)  This allows me to change passwords at any time
without causing me any stress.

  $ pwgen -s 10 3
  orLz4zqMl8 7dCrxj10VT PYzdfX37K0

> >> SSH keys are useful, but you have to keep them somewhere. The real
> >> danger to good passwords is the off-line attempts, and the passphrase
> >> you use for your private keystore is potentially subject to off-line
> >> if your password is.
> > 
> > Yes, keys may actually be less secure than passwords.

Yes.  The server must trust that the user isn't hacked.  Just the same
as when using passwords the server must trust that the user didn't let
their password escape.  It is the same trust needed.

If my laptop (with a fully encrypted file system) is stolen then I am
definitely going to know almost immediately.  (I live on my laptop.)
I am immediately going to remove that ssh key from my servers.  It
will be useless immediately.  Well before an attacker can crack both
the file system encryption and the ssh rsa key encryption.  Both of
which I can only assume will eventually happen and I must take
appropriate actions due to it.

> If you have a dedicated hacker, or hackers, time is on their side. I
> would much rather use a key with a passphrase.

There are two different areas under discussion here.  They are
completely different.  Yet in this thread people have been confusing

One is when a database of hashed accounts and passwords has been
exposed.  An offline cracker has all of the time in the world to crack
those hashes.  The hashes themselves may be strong or weak.  Time and
resources are on their side for an offline attack.  An offline attack
already needs a breach and data exposure first.  But that is not what
we have been talking about.

One is trying to crack an online system by either dictionary or brute
force attack.  This is what we have been talking about when talking
about passwords and ssh rsa keys.  The attacker does NOT have time on
their side.  The attacker is at an extreme disadvantage.

Fail the password several times and the connection must be restart
which is done specifically to slow down the attacker.  Used with
fail2ban and after several failed attempts the attacker is banned for
ten minutes.  In that situation it is probably possible to try a few
dozen passwords every ten minutes from a single IP.  Even using a
distributed botnet attack only scales things linearly with the number
of bots.

A strong 10 character password with 62+^10 possible combinations as
Jerry has calculated out is not practically possible to brute force
from an online system.  It would take longer than the heat death of
the universe.  We will all have moved to IPv512 before the odds of
success turn into their favor.


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