On (06/11/03 14:39), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Eric,
>   > /foo   - Only folks in the 'users' group can read, write and delete 
>   > files/dirs.  
> The permissions of directory foo do not influence whether someone can
> open a given file in it for reading or writing, only whether he can
> delete, create, or rename a file. Read permission for the directory
> means you can read what files are in it, e.g. issue the ls command and
> have filename completion. Once someone without read permission to a
> directory /knows/ the exact name of a file that's in it, however, he
> can write to, read, or execute that file if its permissions permit it.
> Precondition to do anything _at_all_ in the directory, however, is to
> have "execute" permission on it (even if you only want to "pass
> through" and do something in a subdirectory).
> Thus, the permissions of directory foo rule who is allowed to enter it
> at all (= "execute" permission), read its contents (the filenames and
> other information about the files) (= read permission), and who is
> allowed to create, rename, or delete files in it (= write permission).
> There are, however, two permission bits, which, when set on a
> directory, influence something beyond this:
> - the sticky bit, when set on a directory, has the effect of
>   restricting write operations on the directory a little more: to
>   delete or rename a file within it, it is no more enough to have
>   write permission to the directory, but you have to be the owner of
>   either the directory or the file (or the superuser, of course).
> - the setgid bit, when set on a directory, causes any new file created
>   in it to take on the group ownership of the directory, rather than
>   the default group of the user who created that file.
> Thus, for directory /foo, you need an ls -l output like this:
> dxrwxrw---   root    users    <date>      foo
> (say 'chmod 770 /foo' and 'chgrp users /foo'). As far as I can see,
> this is the closest you can get to what you want: it allows the owner
> of the directory (arbitrarily root here) and members of the group
> users to create, rename, and delete files inside /foo, as well as get
> information _about_ the files in it. It excludes "the rest of the
> world" from doing anything inside it.
>   > /bar   - Only folks in the 'admin' group can read, write and delete 
>   > files/dirs.
> ditto: (say 'chmod 770 /bar' and 'chgrp admin /bar'.
>   > For both: New files/dirs are created as owner=the person that
>   > created it.
> This is always the case, AFAIK (no permission bit influences that).
>   > New files/dirs are created as group='users'|'admin', respectively.
> Set the setgid bit: say 'chmod 2770 ...' instead of '770'. 
>   > User fred is in groups fred,user
>   > User barney is in group barney
>   > User betty is in groups betty,user,admin
>   > 
>   > I'd like Betty to be able to read/write in both foo and bar.
>   > Barney is hosed, he cannot read or write in neither foo nor bar
>   > I'd like Fred to be able to read/write only in foo.
> That should be achieved here; I think your group assignment is
> logical.
>   > I've tried logging in as betty and touching a new file in bar, but no 
>   > luck (permission denied), even when 
>   > drwxrwx--T   13 admin     admin         4096 Nov 05 10:52 bar
> You have set the sticky bit ('chmod 1770 ...' instead of the setgid
> bit, ('chmod 2770 ...'). Permissions in ls -l output must be
> 'drwxrws---', not 'drwxrwx--T'.
> Compare with what is said above: If the sticky bit is set, betty must
> be either the owner of the directory (which is not the case: the owner
> is called admin), the owner of the file (apparently not her), or the
> superuser (apparently not).
Thanks Florian

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