On 13/03/2015, David Wright <deb...@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote:
> Quoting Bret Busby (bret.bu...@gmail.com):
>> On 13/03/2015, David Wright <deb...@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote:
>> > Quoting Gajadur Dwijesh (dwije...@gmail.com):
>> >> Hi.
>> >> I got the same problem..
>> >> I followed this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLlOd-a2wG0
>> >> and it worked..i could dual boot windows 8.1 with Debian on UEFI mode
>> >
>> > Interesting. I played this through and at 506 seconds, I saw my first
>> > EFI screen. Am I right in thinking that's as "high" up the machine
>> > configuration that we saw?
>> >
>> > In other words, was that screen the equivalent of what I first see
>> > when I press F2 on booting, or was it just the equivalent of what I
>> > see if I then press the arrow keys to get to the Boot Order or Boot
>> > Device Menu screen.
>> >
>> > Understandably, my wife, who owns the only modern machine in this
>> > household, running W8.1, won't let me near her "BIOS" (what do you
>> > call it now?) configuration.
>> >
>> I believe (and, I stand to be corrected) that the configuration part,
>> is the Setup Utility, and that the BIOS  as it was (and, can still
>> be), and, its superseder, UEFI (that superseded EFI), is invoked by
>> the Setup Utility.
>> When I press <F2>, it enters Setup Mode, which (on a newfangled UEFI
>> system) allows the system administrator (a user should definitely not
>> be fiddling about in this area :) ) to select, amongst other options,
>> either UEFI or "Legacy" BIOS, for booting.
> Yes, this was my point. Gajadur Dwijesh said this video would fix your
> problem but I couldn't see anything on the top-most screen (at 506s)
> about Secure Boot. Everything was EFI this and EFI that, and just worked.
> So what good is that to you...
> I don't know what brand you have, but I'm hoping it's not one where
> they screwed things up, as mentioned on that wiki page. It's something
> that's put me off buying a new laptop to replace this old thing.

The particular computer, is an Acer V3-772G - a whizzbang "laptop"
with an i7 CPU, a (to me) massive 1TB HDD, an nVIDIA graphics card
(with, I think, 2GB RAM) (the graphics card, or, the combination with
the inboard Intel graphics card, unfortunately, whilst apparently
supported by Ubuntu 14.04, is not supported by Debian 7, as yet, thus,
whilst MS Win8 and Ubuntu 14.04, allow the use of an external monitor,
Debian 7 does not), and, I had the RAM expanded from the default
installation of 16GB, to 32GB.

I have found the Acer laptops, in the past, to be "mostly harmless" (
:) ) - the hardware, we have found to be good, in Acer laptops, but I
have found telephone support, involving Acer, to be confusing and
unhelpful. And, their web site is useless, for trying to contact Acer
with support queries.

In this instance, I had wanted to contact Acer Support, to raise the
issue of the defective Setup utitility software (the Insyde stuff),
with them, to seek a resolution for the missing "Dual type" boot
provision, and, the issue of the "Secure boot" mode, not being able to
be disabled, but, as with many companies with online presence, they
have no easily findable contact email address for support.

So, while the Acer laptops are "mostly harmless", and the hardware,
fairly good, the Acer support is sadly lacking, both in  presence,
and, when it is accessible, in being worthwhile.

Bret Busby
West Australia

"So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
 Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
 "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
 A Trilogy In Four Parts",
 written by Douglas Adams,
 published by Pan Books, 1992


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