On 03/16/2015 at 11:55 AM, Stefan Monnier wrote:

> Is there a good utility out there to predict the remaining 
> running/charging time of my battery?
> For the "remaining runtime" most of the utilities out there seem to
> just divide the remaining capacity by the current power usage, which
> doesn't account for the fact that the current power usage may not be 
> representative of the longer-term average (e.g. my power usage may 
> switch regularly between 6W while editing a file (i.e. mostly idle)
> and 15W while processing the result, neither of which is
> representative of the longer term average which may be something like
> 10W).
> So a good utility would need to monitor/learn your "typical" average
> usage, and remember it in some kind of file.

Try ibam, and (if you use gkrellm) gkrellm-ibam. I've been using them on
my laptop for a month or so now, and they seem like roughly what you're
looking for.

If you don't use the krell, you may need to read the documentation in
some detail and do manual configuration to get it checking your battery
state on a regular basis (and thus building a meaningful usage/charge
profile), but I believe it's doable.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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