[Sat, 4 Apr 2015 09:44:13 +0200] Petter Adsen <pet...@synth.no> wrote:
> On Fri, 3 Apr 2015 15:01:26 -0600
> Bob Proulx <b...@proulx.com> wrote:
> > It could also be that I was unlucky in my purchase of cheap USB disk
> > enclosures.  Which is why I was careful to relate my experience but
> > not cast blame.  Your experiences and others may very well be
> > different!  You will have different hardware at the least.  That
> > will make a big difference.  I encourage everyone to generate their
> > own experience and collect and report the data from it.  It is
> > obvious what I am thinking but that doesn't mean it is correct.  I
> > am simply communicating in what I hope to be a helpful way.

My experience has only recently shown that USB 3.0 disks are not that
reliable (compare
https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2014/09/msg00602.html). Still I do
not know if this also applies to USB 2.0 disks. As far as I can tell,
much of the USB instability originates from the fact, that USB uses
extremly cheap cables and controllers to transfer data very quickly
which results in data being often corrupted. Using the ``slower'' USB
2.0, this problem arises less frequently.

> I also have a USB disk enclosure, in which sits a 3,5" IDE-ATAPI
> drive, encrypted with LUKS. It is a really cheap, no-name enclosure
> that I've had for years, and so far I have had no problems with it.

I'd be interested to know, if this is an USB 3.0 or USB 2.0 model,
because I think USB 2.0 is much more reliable (although also slower).


> That means I have to decide between eSATA and IEEE-1394 as interfaces.
> Only this machine has eSATA, I think, while both machines I might want
> to connect it to has Firewire. Which of these would be the best choice
> from a technical standpoint, and do they work well with Linux? I'd
> imagine eSATA would simply be seen as a SATA device?

Although I have never used eSATA or IEEE-1394, I'd generally recommend
eSATA because the internal SATA is not very different and works very
reliable here. Also, eSATA is much faster than IEEE-1394 and USB 2.0
(although minimally slower than USB 3.0, I'd still prefer eSATA for

> Might it also be better to go with a little bit more expensive
> enclosure?

I wonder whether the quality of controllers and cables really depends
on the prices of the enclosure or if the higher price only accounts for
a trademarked or nicer design?

Btw: This is my first list-mail using Claws-Mail. I hope it arrives
just as usual :)



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