On Tue, 14 Apr 2015 18:14:31 +0300
Reco <recovery...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  Hi.
> On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 04:01:02PM +0200, Petter Adsen wrote:
> > I'm using LVM as storage for virtual machines, and would like to
> > share a PV between two machines with iSCSI to be able to migrate
> > the VM's.
> I did the thing some time ago. It worked, although I used ietd and not
> today's tgtd. The main reason was - ietd had configuration file, tdtd
> had not (as in 'our daemon does not need config at all, use tdtadm').

I've already set up iSCSI, and went with ietd, too. To be fair, I
didn't know about tgtd :)

> > Wikipedia says this:
> > "The LVM will also work in a shared-storage cluster (where disks
> > holding the PVs are shared between multiple host computers), but
> > requires an additional daemon to propagate state changes between
> > cluster nodes."
> > 
> > But nothing else. Is the clvm (with dependencies) package
> > everything I need to do this? Or would I need to mess with all
> > sorts of clustering stuff to get that working?
> Not strictly as the main role of clvm is to guarantee that one LV will
> always be used by one node. Secondary role of clvm is to handle LV
> addition and removal by principle of least surprise. I.e. lvcreate on
> node one should add the same LV on node two.

That sounds reasonable.

> > I just want to try it out to see how it works, it's not something I
> > need by any stretch of the imagination, so there's a limit to how
> > far down that rabbit-hole I want to go.
> As long as you don't forget to run lvscan on partner node after doing
> basically anything with LV on main node - you should be OK.
> But just to be on the safe side - don't export PV via iSCSI. Export
> LVs.

May I ask why, so I don't mess anything up? I was thinking of exporting
maybe my VM VG, so that all LV's for VM's were available to both
machines. Or just the device itself.

Thank you for the advice!


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"I'm positive."

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