On Fri, Nov 07, 2003 at 03:54:27PM -0800, Mark Healey wrote:
> On Fri, 7 Nov 2003 15:16:28 -0800, Cam Ellison wrote:
> >* Mark Healey ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >
> >> I've managed to get the tarball for 2.4.22 which is what kernel.org
> >> says is the latest stable one.
> >>
> >Seriously -- get kernel-source-2.4.22.  I fought with the stock kernel
> >for weeks, and could not get it to work.  It would compile, but hang
> >partway through loading.  With the same features the Debianised
> >version runs like a top.
> Unless I'm looking in the wrong place there are only packages up to
> 2.4.18.  I Even googled "kernel-source-2.4.22.deb" and got nothing.
> Where is it?

This beats Google for finding official debs:


Plug in "kernel-source-2.4.22" and tell it to search in the "testing"


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