Peter Ley wrote:
> > What command were you using?  Please say what command you were trying
> > to run when you were trying to install owncloud.
> Sorry, I thought it could be safely assumed I was using
> apt-get install owncloud-client

Well...  You said Wheezy too and owncloud isn't available in Wheezy 7
but is included in Jessie 8.  I saw the sources.list entries.  It
could easily have been an installation from 3rd party locations due to
the 3rd party sources.list file.

> > Of course none of those install owncloud.
> Yes, thank you. Those were various proposed solutions from googling
> about held broken packages. I never claimed they were supposed to
> install owncloud, but possibly solve some underlying issue.

Sorry.  Missing the specifics (now provided) left me in an ambiguous
state.  But have that figured out now.  All good.  Broken.  But
understood now.

> > Are you installing from backports?  ...
> I'm not trying to install from backports, although

Actually, you would normally want to be.  Because owncloud isn't in
Wheezy 7.  Therefore on Wheezy it would need to come from some place
different.  Here is a list of versions available from Debian.

Knowing that it is from backports I set that up here and tried it and
get exactly the same results.  Therefore I conclude that Debian
backports of owncloud is broken.

I suggest taking this issue to the
mailing list and reporting the problem there.  That is where all
issues surrounding the backports repository are discussed.  It would
be perfect there.

Alternatively owncloud is in Jessie 8 which is due to be released
April 25th.  That is only two days from now!

Meaning that instead of using backports at this point it might make a
lot of sense to upgrade to Jessie 8 and use the owncloud-client from
there.  And because of the release there might not be too much
motivation for someone of the backports team to work on fixing it
there.  Only two more days before Debian Stable has left Wheezy and
moved to Jessie.

Most of the final work in Jessie is being done on the installer.  You
already have a system and don't need the installer.  I suggest reading
through the upgrade notes and then upgrading to Jessie.  I think at
this very late date Jessie is ready and won't be any different two
days from now.  Here are the current draft release notes.

There may be more changes happening in the draft release notes.  I
don't know.  I expect that the documentation is one of the places
where last minute changes will be made as more people finalize the

> > Here it looks like you are trying to install from not
> > Debian.  If you are trying to install from then it looks
> > like a bug in owncloud's package that they are depending upon
> > something that doesn't exist anymore.  They have an exact dependency,
> > the "(=" part, which is fragile.  If you are trying to install their
> > packages then you need to get them involved for supporting them.
> I actually added that as an attempt to solve the initial problem, which
> still presents itself now that I have removed the file
> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/owncloud.list entirely. I don't think the
> problem has to do with the exact dependency, as that package does exist
> with that version in the repo, but that libocsync0 does not exist. 

Sorry.  I fixated on the "=" dependency of the "bpo" version which is
the tag line for all packages in the backports repository.  Often see
problems when using "=" instead of ">=".

But here you are right that it is the missing libocsync0 not available
anywhere that is the problem.  The libowncloudsync0 in Jessie 8
doesn't depend upon libocsync0 and therefore isn't an issue there.


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