On Fri, 1 May 2015 20:14:19 +0200
Nicolas George <geo...@nsup.org> wrote:

> Hi.
> I wrote some time ago:
> > I would like to know if some people here have accurate knowledge on
> > the prospect of running Debian on low- and middle-end hybrid
> > PC/tablet computers, like Asus Transformer or Acer Aspire Switch
> > that sell for 250-500 EUR around here?
> Since no answer came, I took a risk and bought a Lenovo Miix 3-1030,
> mostly because of the better resolution (1920×1200 instead of the
> usual 1366×768).
> The good news is: the touchscreen is supported by Linux. The video
> controller works well too with Free drivers, this is an Intel
> controller.
> But it stops there. No wifi, no sound, no webcam. Not just
> unsupported: invisible. Nothing on lspci, nothing on lsusb. And not a
> rfkill thing either apparently.
> According to the OEM windows, the devices are accessed trough I2C,
> ACPI (?) and SDIO (???). I do not know how these technologies work, I
> do not know how to explore them.

This will probably not help you, but at Wikipedia you can read more
about these interfaces:


I have recently been given a couple of Palm devices that I have barely
started to play with, and they use the SDIO interface for things like
WiFi. These need special drivers, so even if the WiFi chip (for example)
in your tablet is supported by the Linux kernel it would probably not
be trivial to get it to work if it is connected through an SDIO
interface. AFAICT, I'm no developer. :)

All I know about ACPI is that it is used for power management in PC's.
There are Linux tools to Do Things (tm) - like "acpitool" to get or set
ACPI values, and you can also look at /proc/acpi.

The above pages will tell you more, though, and there are tons of
information online if you really want to dig into it, but if you, like
me, are not a programmer, it may be limited what you can actually
achieve with it.

I wish you the best of luck, though :)


"I'm ionized"
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive."

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