On Sat, 9 May 2015 18:49:27 -0600
Bob Proulx <b...@proulx.com> wrote:

> Petter Adsen wrote:
> > Now the question becomes; AFAIK, I could do this with ssh tunnels
> > and forward the ports on my router/firewall, or I could use
> > something like openvpn or IPsec (strongswan).
> Yes.  Exactly.
> Also 'stunnel4' is useful too.

Thanks, I didn't know about that one.

> I would avoid IPsec.  Last I looked there were more than 55 RFCs that
> had some impact on IPsec.  It has traditionally been rather of a messy
> thing.

Urgh, that sounds painful. I think I will steer clear of that, then.
That would also explain why there is so little info on it on both the
Debian and the Arch wikis.

> > The problem is that I haven't really messed with any of these before
> > - what would be the best choice in this situation?
> >
> > Note that I'm not asking for a complete configuration, all I want is
> > some advice as to which of these technologies I should begin to
> > read up on. The IPsec article on the Debian wiki is from Sarge, so
> > it is quite outdated, but the openvpn article is recent and seems
> > helpful.
> > 
> > Any insights/advice/links, etc?
> Using ssh tunnels will get you 80% with 20% of the work.  Using
> OpenVPN will get you 100% with 100% of the work.  Using 'autossh' to
> manage ssh tunnels is very reliable to run and very quick and easy to
> set up.
> I use all of autossh/ssh tunnels, stunnel4, openvpn in different
> places.  I tend to like and use the autossh/ssh tunnels because they
> are quick and easy and work well enough that I can move along to
> something else without spending a lifetime managing them.  It doesn't
> require any routing table modifications.

Not requiring explicit routing is a bonus, but not really a
dealbreaker for me. Besides, I am sure the Debian wiki will give me
enough hints to get it right.

> I like stunnel4 for some things because it also is very easy to set up
> and very reliable.  Either ssh or stunnel would seem to be good simple
> effective choices for remote sysloging.  I might lean toward stunnel
> for this.  It all depends.  Using stunnel benefits if you have signed
> https ssl certificates already that can be verified by stunnel.

I don't already have certificates, so I would need to generate some. As
I already have a little experience with ssh and keys, it would probably
be a wiser choice.

> Both ssh and stunnel use TCP which means that in terms of ultimate
> performance and ultimate efficiency you are ending up with TCP over
> TCP and that isn't perfect.  TCP over TCP will use some resources and
> time transporting packets somewhat inefficiently.  I think for your
> example of using remote syslog logging I wouldn't worry about it.  It
> is a non-interactive task and the machines won't care when talking to
> each other.  No one will ever notice the inefficiency.
> When operating interactively such as working from my laptop to my
> remote servers I am usually interactive.  That is when transport
> artifacts of latency become noticeable and annoying.  There I have put
> in the extra work to set up openvpn for the 100% solution.  It uses
> UDP for the transport avoiding the TCP over TCP issues.  It is more
> work to set up initially due to dealing with setting up ssl
> certificates and routing.  But having set it up it is a high
> performance solution that does 100% of the job.
> I would probably start your remote syslog task using autossh/ssh and
> then worry about doing something more when the need for more arises
> and not before.

Thank you for your insight, that was very informative. From what I
gather from this, it might be just as well to go straight to openvpn.
Let me explain. Already I need rsyslog, munin, and collectd. That would
require three separate ssh/ssl tunnels. However, if I set up openvpn on
the router I will just need the one tunnel, and I can set up remote
access to my home network at the same time, with the same bits and

Actually, I won't even need to set up anything special to reach my home
network, as I would be able to reach it from the VPS - which already
has ssh open. The need to reach my home network is already here, as I
don't really have a good way of doing it currently.

One thing I forgot to ask, though: how intensive is openvpn on
resources, especially CPU and memory? I was initially thinking of
setting it up on the router, but I am a little worried that it might be
too much for it to handle. Would it be feasible/better to set it up on
a more powerful machine on the inside and forward the traffic?

And again - thanks, Bob.


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"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive."

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