Eike Lantzsch wrote:
> DHCP failover on a small network does not seem to be worth the
> effort, except for training purposes. Exactly that is why this
> thread was very informative for me. Just for kicks (training) I was
> trying for a while to set up two dhcp servers on my network. One
> OpenBSD on a router and the other on Debian arm isc-dhcp-server on a
> cubietruck.

Training is almost always worth the effort as long as something is
learned in the process.

> One sends sync messages and the other connects to ip-ports - duh!
> The philosophy of OpenBSD dhcp seems to be really wide area networks not 
> being 
> on the same premises and isc-dhcp seems to be better fitted for LAN.
> Now I know that my endeavours are futile.

They were not futile.  You learned something from them.  Therefore the
effort had good value.

> The synchronization between two OpenBSD dhcp servers and the
> failover isc-dhcp-server are essentially different and do not work
> together. Either 2 * isc-dhcp-server (which is available for OpenBSD
> as a package) or 2 * OpenBSD dhcp servers (which does not exist for
> the armv7l cubietruck) => need another machine or "maquinita".

Even better you shared your experience with the mailing list and
allowed me to learn something too.  I am completely unfamiliar with
the OpenBSD dhcp daemon but now I know a little more about it.  (I use
the ISC dhcp software.)


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