Glenn English wrote:
> root@srv:~# ps -ef | grep named
> bind      2098     1  0 May10 ?        00:00:36 /usr/sbin/named -u bind
> root     10498     1  0 May10 ?        00:00:50 /usr/sbin/named -c 
> /etc/bind/named.conf

There are two of them running?  That doesn't seem right.  The first
one looks okay but the second one does not.

I would be inclined to kill both of them.  Then start it up again and
check all over again.

  service bind9 stop
  ps -ef | grep named
  kill 10498
  ps -ef | grep named

Make sure none are running.  Then start it up again and check.

  service bind9 start

Did you by any chance configure bind9 to run in a chroot?

> > If it isn't that then I would suspect selinux has become enabled but
> > not fully configured.
> I'm game. How do I find out/configure it?

If you haven't heard of it then it isn't enabled.  I wouldn't suggest
enabling it.  If you haven't heard of it then I think it is not likely
to be the problem.

> root@srv:~# ps aux | egrep -i selinux
> root     13013  0.0  0.0   7828   900 pts/0    S+   15:48   0:00 egrep -i 
> selinux
> If it's running, it doesn't have a pid. I don't really know what
> SELinux is. I've heard it's a collection of patches to the kernel,
> but that's all I know.

selinux stands for security-enhanced-linux and is a policy layer where
everything is controlled by access control lists.  It completely
changes the traditional security system.  It isn't a daemon.

> I grepped the /etc/default files for selinux. Nothing.
> I grepped the /etc/init.d startup files. I found 'selinux-enabled' in the 
> file (if selinux-enabled ...). selinux-enabled is a small 
> function in /lib/lsb/
> selinux_enabled () {
>        which selinuxenabled >/dev/null 2>&1 && selinuxenabled
> }
> 'which selinuxenabled' says there's no such file here. So does
> 'root@srv:/boot# find / -iname "*selinuxenabled*""

That command is in the selinux-utils package.  You don't have it.
Making it unlikely that you would have selinux blocking you.  (No need
to install it.)

The next thing I would wonder is if the 'immutable' bit were set on
the file system.  Again from my system.

  $ lsattr -d /var/cache/bind
  ---------------- /var/cache/bind

(You can read about it in the 'man chattr' man page.)

> This is happening on Dell, Supermicro, and RaspberryPi boxes, all
> running Wheezy with default, and updated, kernels, FWIW. The lone
> Lenny server doesn't seem to have troubles.

It happens on multiple systems?  Oh my that is a problem.  I am afraid
I am running out of ideas.  If it isn't normal user permissions, isn't
selinux, isn't ext immutable then I don't know what it would be.  It
isn't normal.  I am running bind9 on similar random architectures and
systems and I have not run into any problems caching files there.

If all else fails I would be inclined to try an experiment.  I would
open up the permissions on /var/cache/bind to be drwxrwxrwx and then
start bind9 and see what files it produces there.  The owner and group
of the files produced should be a clue.  They should be "bind" but if
they were something else that would explain the permission denied
message and be a clue as to the problem.

  service bind9 stop
  chmod a+rwx /var/cache/bind
  service bind9 start
  ls -la /var/cache/bind


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