On Sun, 24 May 2015 14:46:34 -0600
Paul E Condon <pecon...@mesanetworks.net> wrote:

> I found a .deb package, named 'mixer.app' by accident in aptitude
> interactive mode. My current sound mixer is the one installed by xfce,
> which uses much to much area on my display screen for my taste. (about
> 20%) 
> I think I need to learn how to create a 'launcher', which is something
> I have never done. Where can I find instructions for creating a
> launcher specific to xfce?

If you want the launcher to only display in Xfce then set this in
your .desktop file:


> I've already found a way of mouse clicking that pops up a small window
> with small text entry boxes in it, but I have no idea what to type
> into the boxes. And, for all I know, my mouse clicking is not at all
> any part of getting the mixer.app .deb to play nicely with xfce.
> Also, mixer.app may not be the best solution for my screen real estate
> problem. Alternatives for a smaller area mixer graphic will be happily
> entertained.

Do you really need a mixer, or do you just need a way to control

If the latter, you could bind some keys to the XF86_Volume*-keys
(and mute) if you don't have multimedia keys on your keyboard, Xfce
recognizes those and adjusts the volume accordingly.

There are probably command line tools that will adjust the volume by a
certain number of steps that you could use for this, also, although I
don't know of any.

If you want a graphical mixer, I found wmmixer - is that the same as
the one you are talking about?

Just a thought. :)


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"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive."

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