On Mon, 25 May 2015 19:07:07 -0700
Gary Roach <gary719_li...@verizon.net> wrote:

> I upgraded to Jessie recently and lost my BackupPC setup and my
> rsyncd setup. I found that both succumbed to the change over from
> inet.d to Systemd. None of the documentation mentions anything about
> systemd setup. I found some script for rsync to write rsyincd.socket
> and rsyncd.service and put them in /lib/systemd/system directory. No
> mention was made of the soft link that had to be put in the proper 
> /etc/systemd/system subdirectory. Rsync doesn't seem to be working. 
> Further there is no documentation for setting up BackupPC for
> systemd. I am totally awash. Most of the documentation that I have
> found goes right over my head. Writers should give their
> documentation to their secretary / wife /husband to use and see what
> happens. (ugly) Is there any documentation out there that is readable
> that would give me a road map for setting up systemd. All suggestions
> will be sincerely appreciated.

It depends on what you are looking for.


Is quite good, I recommend it.


Has some good stuff. It's part of a "systemd for admins" series, but I
couldn't find the index right now. It is more of a
tutorial/introduction, though.

Then there are of course the man pages, which I've actually found to be
quite good. See systemd.index(7) for an overview. The man pages and
these two links are the ones I usually refer to when there is
something I need to know.

Ubuntu has a page listing all the systemd equivalents of upstart


There is also some stuff on the freedesktop.org site, which is where
systemd lives, but mostly just the man pages and implementation
details. I'd check these other links first.

Does any of this help you? On the Debian wiki I could unfortunately only
find things relating to The Great Debate, which aren't really all that

Good luck, and let us know if you need more.


"I'm ionized"
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive."

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