On Wed, 27 May 2015 10:50:25 +0200
Nicolas George <geo...@nsup.org> wrote:

> L'octidi 8 prairial, an CCXXIII, Petter Adsen a écrit :
> > Well, then I would expect something like "sudo pkill gdm" might
> > work.
> Closing services cleanly would be better advice.
> "systemctl stop gdm.service" for systemd.
> "service gdm stop" for SysV.

You are of course absolutely correct, but I've never used Debian 6, so I
didn't know the correct way to handle services there.

BTW; is there any real difference in this case? Won't both approaches
simply send a HUP or TERM signal to the PID of gdm?


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"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive."

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