Patrick Bartek wrote:

> Researching a laptop purchase (within the next 6 months or so) to replace
> my aging Desktop (1 to 8.5 years depending on which parts).  Going to
> abandoned the Big Box forever.  Need to be very portable in the next year
> or two. Two questions to begin:
> 1. Many laptops seem to only be able to turn off Secure Boot through the
> OS, Windows 8.x, or so I've researched.  However, I've read some makes
> (Asus, Lenovo, Dell and HP) can do it directly through "BIOS" without
> needing to boot Windows?  True?  Any others?

I recently replaced my old notebook Dell D520 for Dell E5440 ( 8GB RAM Intel
i5 cpu).
Everything is working great. Later models like E7*** use the DisplayLink
technology for docking station and do not work with Linux at all.

Secure Boot and all other options can be (de)activated/configured in the

> 2. How UEFI compatible is Debian Wheezy?  What I'm running on the Desktop.
>  Or is Jessie the better choice.  Or something else entirely?  Except
> Ubuntu variants (Hate it!).  I don't want to run in Legacy mode for future
> compatibility.  I won't be installing a desktop, just a window manager. 
> Probably Openbox.

I did not test UEFI, but should be supported and working.

Other option I considered was HP ... I was looking for <1000€
replacement/solution, but somehow I liked Dell over HP.


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